Thursday, February 25, 2010

Eating Disorders

In my last post I talked about the amount of calories you should take in and how it is a common misconception that eating less calories will help you lose weight. Last year I took AP Psychology and one of my favorite chapters was on eating disorders. People often call someone super skinny bulimic or anorexic, which is not always true. There was a girl in my class that was actually gone during this chapter and was in rehab for bulimia. Anorexia nervosa is described as extreme low body weight, distorted body image and an obsessive fear of weight gain. Bulimia nervosa is described as binge eating over and over again and followed by compensatory behaviors, often using laxatives. Most people affected by these disorders are female, but there has also been an increase of men too. People resulting to these methods of weight loss are usually pressured by their love for dance, gymnastics, modeling, cheerleading, acting, and other activities in which their “image” is important. These are serious disorders and you should seek help as soon as possible.

Daily Intake

We have all heard about the 2000 calories a day, but that isn't true for everyone. Your intake of food is based on your age, physical activity, height, and weight. Calculate your daily calorie needs. The website allows you to put in specific information about your body and gives you personalized responses and shows you the minimum amount of calories you should take in daily, and how many calories you should eat on each day of the week along with tons of other helpful information. If you are trying to loose weight it is not a good idea to stop eating, or eat less calories then your body needs because you actually will not loose weight but may gain extra weight.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Quick and Healthy Snacks

The person's everyday life is often always on the go. Everyday after school I go to tutor for at least an hour, workout at the gym, practice golf, and run around town in between. I am almost always in a rush and after a long day of school I am hungry. Its hard to find quick, but healthy snacks. Rushing from place to place often leads people to eating at fast-food restaurants where the foods are saturated in grease and chemicals. Here are a few healthy snacks for on the go:
- Smoothies
- Fresh Fruit salad
- Hot cereal
- Stewed Fruit
- Frozen Berries

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Organic foods are regular grocery food items, but are not produced with non-organic pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides. If it meat it is organic the animal cannot have had any antibiotic injections or growth hormones. Many people today are eating all organic foods to make their diets healthier with less preservatives that the body is not made to take in. More and more grocery stores such as Whole Foods Market are popping up everywhere selling natural and organic food. Some restaurants are also serving organic such as Pizza Fusion, Chipotle, and other restaurants. If you are interested in shopping at organic grocery stores and bakeries or eating at restaurants serving organic food there are many search engines to find your local shops.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Protein has not been a main topic in health, but recently is has been getting the attention it deserves. Protein is a necessity to the body about eight grams for every twenty pounds of body weight. Protein can be found in beans, nuts, whole grains, fish, poultry, beef, pork, and a other foods daily eaten. If you are picky, like me, you can also buy protein shakes or protein powder. Since my dad does not think I eat enough to get my daily protein I drink chocolate shakes called Syntha 6. There has been an increase of people using high-protein diets to lose weight. Proteins are found in your muscles, bones, skin, hair and any other body part or tissue.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gym Memberships

Becoming a member at a local gym is always a good start to a healthier, more fit lifestyle. Where I live there are at least four gyms I can think of. There are not too many excuses for not going because at the YMCA there is a babysitting service along with many other services while you work out. At the YMCA they offer a number of different classes during all times of the day. There is spinning almost every hour of the day as well as many forms of yoga, pilates, and many other group fitness classes. Many gyms also offer self-defense, aquatic, and wellness programs. Most gyms are very affordable, some insurances will even pay for a partial membership. If you are interested in joining a gym most have a free- trial week membership so you can try out the gym and after if you like it you can join. If you are looking to become a member of a gym here are a few:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


The average person today does not typically have the time or motivation to exercise daily or even a few times a week. The best way to loose weight it cardiovascular exercise, at least 30 minutes of high intensity works out where your heart is at a higher consistent speed then usual. Walking can also help you loose weight. If you want to loose wait by just walking try increasing your incline on the treadmill. Also, instead of walking with right arm and left leg up and down together, change to right arm and right leg, you will burn 26 percent more calories. For other "Walking Your Butt Off: Lose Weight Walking" tips visit:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Inversion Table Therapy

Recently my dad ordered an inversion table from After using one before at a friend’s house in New York, it was time to buy for home. Inversion Table Therapy takes away back pain. By locking your feet in and then manually inverting your body on a table, looking like a mesh stretcher, your back defies gravity. As you are hanging on an angel, your head about 45 degrees from the ground, you reduce the compression of the vertebrae and discs, allowing your spin to relax with no tension. After sitting in a desk at school or work all day, this is a great therapeutic machine to come home to. It just takes at most 10 minutes and everything is easy to do. It costs anywhere from $100 to $500. The most advanced being more expensive; however, a simple $100 one would do the same thing.