It is the end of the school year and many of my friends are leaving to college in the next few months. Those going for summer session are leaving within the next few weeks and some are leaving towards the end of July and beginning of August. We have all heard about the "Freshman 15," but is that actually true? Do you really gain 15 pounds your first year in college? Well I thought about it and did some research. Most studies say that males gain about 3.5 pounds and females 4 pounds their freshman year, but I also saw studies saying that both males and females gain an average of 4 pounds their first 12 months of college life. So it is not statistically proven that the average freshman gains 15 pounds. Weight gain in college can be from eating fast, unhealthy foods, not exercising, and large amounts of alcohol consumption. So when you go to college make sure you continue eating a healthy diet and exercise!