Whether you believe in global warming or not, for centuries now we have added thousands of pollutants into the atmosphere. Little by little we are eating away at the ozone layer that protects the earth. This is one of the biggest years for the emphasis on going green to save out planet. Not only by reusing, reducing, and recycling can we cut back on our carbon footprints, but also by eating locally grown fruits and vegetables along with meats. Meat is one of the most polluting products because of all the energy that goes into your final product, what you buy at a local supermarket. I have been told that it is better to drive a Hummer (not an ecologically friendly car) and eat vegetables rather then drive a Mini Cooper (an environmentally friendly car) and eat meat. For example, a cow has to be fed so much grain and needs land to live on, and water to drink for many years before it is big enough to sell for meat. One it is slaughtered it has to be produced and cut to what we buy at the store, which has to be shipped to the store. It would almost make sense for everyone in the world to stop eating meat and just eat the corn we feed the cows because it would be emitting less pollution into the atmosphere. Think about it and try to make changes in your life that will help out the people of the future.
Thanks for your information, I think preserving and protecting the environment is extremely important. I think more people need to try to make a conscious effort to help the environment, it doesn't need to be anything to complicated just something as simple as recycling and using as little water as possible. The journal we did in Mrs.Stoklosa's class gave me great insight on how we can help the environment.
ReplyDeleteI actually learned a bunch from when mrs stoklosa showed the carbon footprint thing and learned information i might not have ever learned.I would like to be more active to help the planet but im to lazy.=P
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see that there are other people in my class that actually worry about the environment. This article is completely right, and even though I love meat, I have to agree that it does leave a very large footprint on this planet. Hopefully people will start making small changes, like eating local foods, etc. that will reduce our carbon footprint and make us more environmentally friendly.