In my last post I talked about the amount of calories you should take in and how it is a common misconception that eating less calories will help you lose weight. Last year I took AP Psychology and one of my favorite chapters was on eating disorders. People often call someone super skinny bulimic or anorexic, which is not always true. There was a girl in my class that was actually gone during this chapter and was in rehab for bulimia. Anorexia nervosa is described as extreme low body weight, distorted body image and an obsessive fear of weight gain. Bulimia nervosa is described as binge eating over and over again and followed by compensatory behaviors, often using laxatives. Most people affected by these disorders are female, but there has also been an increase of men too. People resulting to these methods of weight loss are usually pressured by their love for dance, gymnastics, modeling, cheerleading, acting, and other activities in which their “image” is important. These are serious disorders and you should seek help as soon as possible.
"Wow!" those pictures make you see the reality of these disorders. You are right, numerous girls around the world do not accept who they are and they try to be someone els. Having those self-conscious thoughts in mind they are really not going to make their lives healthier. People just have to look in the mirror and say they're beautiful or handsome.
ReplyDeleteThese girls look so nasty. I had a cousin who was anorexic. She went through allot to gain weight. It was a bad time for the whole family. The thing about that disorder is that it doesn't just effect that person, it effects the whole family.
ReplyDeleteThese disorders are so sad, and its really sad that people harm themselves to look a certain way. I wish everyone in the world and all the media would just stop putting the pressure on people especially girls about the stress to hold a specific image.Everyone should be appreciative of what they have and embrace their good qualities.
ReplyDeleteI feel so bad for girls with these disorders. Nowadays, many models are pressured to be thin and many develop eating disorders. These pictures represent reality and how serious these disorders are. I think that people should stop pressuring others to be thin and instead look at other, more important qualities.