Living in a society that never stops, people are starting to rely on energy drinks for their daily energy. Students that take several advanced placement classes and other rigorous classes stay up almost all night, sleep for two or three hours, and then drink energy drinks throughout the day. Energy drinks are loaded with caffeine. "Most energy drinks contain at least as much caffeine as a standard eight-ounce cup of coffee (~80mg). To put it into perspective, a 12oz. soda contains 18-48mg of caffeine. In addition to large doses of caffeine, energy drinks contain excessive amounts of sugar & legal herbal stimulants," says Dr. Edward Group. If only teenagers knew what was in these drinks and the effects they can have on their body. There are better ways to get energy such as healthy eating and a healthy amount of sleep. Here are a few ingredients in most energy drinks:
Ginseng – A root that is believed to help reduce stress and increase energy levels.
Carnitine – An amino acid that helps to metabolize fatty acids.
Gingko Biloba – Created from the seeds of the gingko biloba tree, it has been shown to enhance memory.
Taurine – A natural amino acid produced by the human body. Taurine helps to regulate normal heart-beats and muscle contractions. Its effects on people when consumed as a drink additive remain unclear.
Inositol – A member of the B-complex Vitamin that assists in the relaying of messages between cells. Inositol is not a vitamin itself.
Guarana Seed – A stimulant that grows in Brazil & Venezuela which contains high levels of caffeine.
(Dr. Edward Group)
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