These days there are hundreds of different diets out there, some more promising then others. Every diet "promises" or "guarantees" you will loose 15 pounds in 15 weeks or some catchy numbers that make people think it will work for EVERYONE, which is not always true. There is the Special K Challenge, which has a selection of plans where you go and buy your own Special K products to eat everyday for 4 meals. There is also the South Beach Diet, the Cookie Diet, Atkins Diet, and tons of other diets.
(Click here for a list of popular diets) Different diets work for different people. Some people begin to believe that no diet will work for them and often end up using a diet pill, which is horrible for your body. If you think you need to loose weight then you should go with the natural route and eat healthy and get a sufficient amount of exercise and sleep daily.
Click here to design your own Special K plan